Dammit bobcat - argument goes both ways... Not what I wanted to hear!
Captain Blithering
JoinedPosts by Captain Blithering
Acts 20:28
by never a jw inacts 20:28 nwt.
pay attention to yourselves+ and to all the flock, among which the holy spirit has appointed you overseers,+ to shepherd the congregation of god,+ which he purchased with the blood of his own son.
king james and other translations.
Rutherford Says 1925 Was Just His Opinion
by baldeagle in1980 yearbook pp.
61-63 france 1925a critical year.
the year 1925 got off to a good enough start, with the french watch tower magazine being enlarged from 12 to 16 pages.
Captain Blithering
Wow. Good summary. I think I've got the 80 year book...
Attended the meeting tonight and fill in reading.
by DS211 inattended the meeting tonight, filled in for a sick person, nailed the reading..got asked where i was and one elder was pretty condescending...sarcastically responded with "oh really?!?!
you were sick?!?!
you had germs?!?!
Captain Blithering
I had that no. 3 talk, im finding it increasingly difficult to keep up the pretense.. Interesting finding something I can actually speak about with conviction without getting rumbled though! Balancing act...
I just don't get it.
by quellycatface in.
i know....i'm new to this set up.
apologies for being a dumbo.
Captain Blithering
I'll talk to you Quelly!
Surrounded - Yet All Alone at the same Time
by offgrid5150 ini've been lurking for a while,but figured i'd introduce myself.
i was born in, and i'm 30 years old.
it's hard to just read as a guest, and not share with anyone eventually.
Captain Blithering
black sheep.. Great illustration with the nails.. Good way to view it.
Self Destructing. oh-oh.
by Captain Blithering inyo dudes.. .
i've been studying ttatt for nearly a year now, i'm pretty much convinced wt theology is a crock, but i can't just leave as i don't want to lose family, and i simply can't disappoint my elderly aging parent.. .
i'm prepared for the long game fade (could be a few years), but have been sowing seeds with the wifey little bit by little bit.
Captain Blithering
Cheers steve and black sheep, ive been doing this on and off with the missus, as opposed to telling her stuff, wording it in a question, 'I don't get this' , or 'how do you understand this' etc.. It all feels a little too slow though, I'm not seeing any fruitage yet, but I KNOW I've got to be more patient... I read experiences like crazy guys recently, things like that give me real hope!
by Crazyguy infirst i made love to my wife, maybe i'm better in bed then i thought, because about an hour after that my wife comes back in and i'm sitting at my desk and i asked her, "when the elders df me are you going to leave me, spiritual endangerment and all" she said, no, i don't feel endangered and we talked awhile and i talked about da ing and not sure what to do, then i shared with her a toned down version of the da letter that i posted and that led to her asking about my beliefs and understandings of who the great crowd and 144k, heaven and earthly hopes.
i was even able to tell her how they changed or distorted the meaning of the word naos to show the great crowd not in heaven.
i was able to show her some of the scriptures from the da letter, able to tell her a little about 1914 and how jesus did'nt invisably come in a presence, showing her scriptures on that and some more ttatt.
Captain Blithering
Well done Bro, you give hope to lots of us out here, really pleased for you!
Surrounded - Yet All Alone at the same Time
by offgrid5150 ini've been lurking for a while,but figured i'd introduce myself.
i was born in, and i'm 30 years old.
it's hard to just read as a guest, and not share with anyone eventually.
Captain Blithering
I hear you, that can get tricky when the two worlds meet occasionally!
Self Destructing. oh-oh.
by Captain Blithering inyo dudes.. .
i've been studying ttatt for nearly a year now, i'm pretty much convinced wt theology is a crock, but i can't just leave as i don't want to lose family, and i simply can't disappoint my elderly aging parent.. .
i'm prepared for the long game fade (could be a few years), but have been sowing seeds with the wifey little bit by little bit.
Captain Blithering
Cheers BU2B, it IS helpful being on here, it really is a support.
I'll PM when I get round to it, got a stinking talk to prepare for tomorrow night first!!
Self Destructing. oh-oh.
by Captain Blithering inyo dudes.. .
i've been studying ttatt for nearly a year now, i'm pretty much convinced wt theology is a crock, but i can't just leave as i don't want to lose family, and i simply can't disappoint my elderly aging parent.. .
i'm prepared for the long game fade (could be a few years), but have been sowing seeds with the wifey little bit by little bit.
Captain Blithering
Cheers Adam, you're quite right. My long term plan is VERY long though. It's testing my patience already! I'll control myself from now on, false alert everybody, nothing to see here.